Having begun his visual arts career twenty-five years ago as a still photographer and through the years evolving into the world of cinema, Larry McKee is a multifaceted communicator. Early in his career, his expertise in setting moods and manipulating emotions through lighting and composition led him to serve as technical lighting advisor on shoots for National Geographic Magazine. |
Recently however, he has used the motion in television, film and video as his medium of choice. Mr. McKee possesses an intense awareness of the impact that camera angles and the subtleties of camera movement place on the final image produced during a shoot. Additionally, he understands the tools that technology of today offers to the world of cinematic and visual expression. His ability to combine all of the aspects of this medium sets him apart as a more than effective communicator.
Past projects have taken him from the bright lights and glamour of Hollywood to the most remote regions of Russia. Mr. McKee is no stranger to talent as he has worked with the likes of Willie Nelson, Jennifer Lopez, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Antonio Bandaras, three U.S. Presidents and many others. Several credits include PBS, The Discovery Channel, TNN, and The Outlaw Music Channel. He has put his talents to the test on several documentaries, including one on Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr. He has also served as Director of Photography and Producer on three motion pictures including his latest work with Lunatic Fringe Pictures, "Bitters and Other Natural Remedies". Currently, Mr. McKee acts as producer and resident Director of Photography for the aforementioned Lunatic Fringe Pictures and is a guiding light and focus to any project he takes on. |