microRemote with Artistry System

Inspired by the Redrock rigs used to film Mad Max Fury Road, the Fury Rig works with your DSLR, Canon EOS Cinema camera, or Blackmagic cinema camera. Low profile, high octane handheld, ready for action.

We geared up the rigs to include the latest and best Redrock offers, including improved baseplate grips and rods. Stripped down and ready to roll right out of the box. Or add what Fury Road production could only dream of: operator-controlled focus with the microRemote Fingerwheel with Rhino Mount.

Like water and fuel, The Fury Rig is available in limited quantities. Whether you’re a fan of Fury Road, or want to recreate George Miller’s hell-on-the-highway action style, the Fury Rig gives you what you want: Distopian desert wasteland optional