
microEVF electronic viewfinder for HDSLR cameras

May 2011 Update
As we announced at NAB this year, the Redrock microEVF release has been delayed. Last year Redrock was the first to announce an electronic viewfinder designed for HDSLR cameras. Since then a number of other EVFs have been announced, but at a much higher price points - $750 and even higher. We believe that's too expensive. What's needed is an EVF that maintains our vision of a compact, lightweight, full-featured accessory, but at about half the price of current offerings: our target is $375 or less. With that as our goal, we continue to refine our design and feature set of the microEVF.
We do not currently have a release timeframe for the microEVF. If you would like to keep up with progress, please subscribe to our newsletter (below), follow us on twitter @redrockmicro, or like our facebook page facebook.com/redrockmicropage

The microEVF is the first electronic viewfinder designed from the ground up specifically for HDSLR cameras. The microEVF is not just a bulky repurposed LCD monitor: It is designed specifically for the needs of HDSLR emphasizing compact lightweight design, superior power consumption, and incredible affordability.
The popularity of HDSLRs such as the Canon 5D MKII for video and motion photography has skyrocketed in recent years, but the camera body is not ideal for video. The first generation of solutions for monitoring currently available –attaching an optical viewfinder to the back of the camera’s LCD screen –severely limit placement of the viewfinder and camera body and eliminate possibility of using additional monitors for camera assistants or directors. The new Redrock microEVF is an external electronic viewfinder that connects to the camera body and can be placed anywhere for maximum comfort and stability, and can be part of a multi-monitoring solution. The microEVF uses a custom made state-of-the-art backlit LED fitted in an attractive, ergonomic housing.
The microEVF is not limited to HDSLR cameras: it can be used on any video camera that provides HDMI output.
microEVF Features
- Compact, lightweight electronic viewfinder
- High resolution full-color display – greater resolution than the rear LCD on Canon EOS camera bodies
- Standard HDMI input connector
- Built-in HDMI loop-through for supporting additional monitors
- Fully coated optics
- Adjustable focusing diopter
- Can be used with left or right eye
- Oversized soft rubber cinema-style eyecup
- Industry-standard 15mm rod pin
- Viewfinder infinitely positionable with Redrock support accessories, including "low mode"
- Lightweight design requires minimal support - can be mounted from lower rails, top rails, or shoe-mounted rails
- Compatible with any HDSLR or videocamera that provides HDMI out (5D MKII, 7D, T2i, 1D MKIV, Nikon D3s, Nikon D3100, Nikon D7000, Panasonic AF100, etc.)
microEVF Advanced Electronic Assist Features*
- additional features to be announced
microEVF Technical Specifications*
- HDMI connection
- 1.4m total dots
- Backlit LED, very low power requirements
- Internal battery lasts 10+ continuous hours of operation
- Weight: less than 6 ounces
Pricing and availability
- Estimated $595 for the complete EVF - unlike other solutions with hidden costs, the microEVF does not require additional viewfinder loupe.
- Availability to be announced
*all pricing, specfications, and features are draft and are subject to change without notice